Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Out and About

Well hello there folks. It seems to me I have been away for some time now and haven't provided much of an explanation as to where it is I've disappeared to. Well since I left Dawson City in 2007 I've continued my rambling ways circumnavigating the continent mostly with no money and no form of transportation, other than m trusty right thumb. I headed out to Rocky Harbour, Newfoundland for November and December, 2007. In th heart of Gros Morne National Park I made my home in a small cabin with Nico and My dog Lilly. We roamed the mountains and forests along the coast for a while exploring everything we could and loving every breath before we decided to head to Halifax for Christmas and a splash of the east coast city life. Nico and I parted ways once in Halifornia and I stayed with some university kids until Adrienne came out from Ontario to travel west in the darkest days of winter hitchhiking the entire way to B.C....to be coninued